Problems such as poor transit or constipation are common, and can produce significant misery for the individual compromised in this manner. Butyrate is a…
Michael Ash BSc (Hons), DO, ND FDipION reviews the current understanding of the role of antibiotics in the initiation of gut associated inflammation and…
The differing origins of gut dendritic cells — white blood cells that modulate immune responses — may explain how the intestinal immune system manages…
Coeliac disease is an inflammatory disorder with autoimmune features that is characterised by destruction of the intestinal epithelium and remodelling of the intestinal mucosa…
New Research Reveals Probiotic’s Anti-Toxin, Anti-Inflammatory, Immune Boosting Properties Lactobacillus GG is the most prolifically researched probiotic in the world—over 400 studies have been…
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