
38 yo F with Hypothyroidism and miscarriages

Subclinical Hypothyroidism and miscarriages 38 year old mother of 2 toddlers (3 and 1 year old), slim, came to see me for dietary advice following recent diagnosis of sub-clinical hypothyroidism. Result from 2 blood tests were T4 = 11.6, TSH = 4.68 as well as T4 = 10.5, TSH =…

40 yo F with Adrenal Stress

Help with Adrenal Stress Profile Results A 40 year old vegetarian lady, normal (though increasing) weight, came to see me suffering from debilitating fatigue (“exhaustion that hurts”). Questioning revealed a history of significant stressors and a current stressful lifestyle involving juggling mothering two children with long, self-employed, working hours and…

23 yo F with Hypothyroidism

Support with 23 yr old woman, diagnosed April 2012 Hypothyroidism raised T4 levels and TSH levels & antibodies…. Student currently doing her Masters. A year ago, when finishing her first degree, busy active time, high stress levels, noticed her hair breaking. As well as this was also upset breaking up…


Female with hypothyroidism, possible adrenal issues. My patient is a nurse, working lots of odd shifts. She game to see me for her weight gain, tiredness and improve sleep primarily. Other symptoms include bloating, constipation, PMT issues, chronic teeth grinding (she takes amitriptyline ). I made some simple changes to…

49 yo M with hypothyroidism

49 year old male, GP diagnosed hypothyroidism as TSH levels at between 10 and 24 (most recently at 24), Free T4 between 11 and 14, Free T4 at 4.0. He has been prescribed thyroxine many times, but it gives him heart palpitations (arrhythmia), to the point where he is hospitalised…

hypothyroidism and insomnia

Hi, How strong is the link with hypothyroidism and insomnia? Client has more than 10 years of insomnia , Also this client has not worked for since onset. An adrenal/thyroid test shows low T3 (urine) but still in range. Feels very tired, muscle aches occasional constipation coupled with diarrhoea. Has…

food intolerances

Lady with multiple food intolerances and explosive stools directly after eating certain foods. This also happens when she has gone for some hours without food and she eats foods she normally doesn’t react to. Why would this be? She has adrenal fatigue, female hormone imbalance, is obese and also BBT…

33 yo M with hypothyroidism

I am due to see a 33 yr old male diagnosed hypothyroidism 2 years ago and on 150mcg thyroxine. His main focus is weight management. He is also taking Ranitidine (150 mg) and Fexofenadine Hydrochloride(180mg) both twice a day (for angioedema , urticarteria and ‘other unexplained allergies) along with inhalers…