

Due to the success and popularity of our guided programmes we are thrilled to announce we are running our Female Hormone Reset Programme starting 23rd April. If you are a practitioner looking for support and guidance with female hormones this is the course for you. With a 4 week hormone…

35 yo F with fertility issues

I am currently seeing a client who has been trying to conceive since 2010. She did get pregnant with twins but it was discovered she had miscarriaged at her 12 week scan in December 2010. She has had tests done with her GP and there are no obvious explanations for…

Weight Loss

My client is female, age 55, trying to lose weight. She was always ‘slight’ until fertility treatment aged 25 – 30. Took Clomid but felt badly sick and gained lots of weight so stopped, became pregnant naturally. Has dieted since on and off. Hysterectomy aged 45 (enlarged womb, ovaries not…

47 yo F with Hormone support

47 yo female who had uterus removed 1,5 months ago, ovaries remaind. She has had 5 x caesaren section.Reason for nutrition therapy was to get rid off the heartburn, bloating, constipation. She also suffers from asthma symptoms all the time, she smokes 15 cigarettes /day. After using D-vitamin, digestive enzymes…