
12 yo G with fatigue symptoms post HPV vaccine

Hi there, I have just received a call from a very desperate mother looking for help for her 12yo daughter. Don’t have a full case history, but her daughter is presenting with chronic fatigue symptoms which they believe to be linked to the HPV vaccine she had. Has anyone seen…

10 yo B has dark circles under his eyes and low energy for a young boy

I have been seeing this young man for over 12 months and we have been successful at eliminating his digestive problems which were loose stools and tummy pains. He has also increased his appetite and put on some weight. We followed an anti-parasite programme including KIB-500 and a number of…

18 yo Female with Aspergers

Hello, a female patient with diagnosed Aspergers in 2010. Generally suffered from depression / mood swings as a child, since diagnoses the issues have increased substantially. Her goal to see me is to help with her weight gain, lack of energy and insomnia. We touched on the underlying condition, and…

Iron deficiency anaemia

I recently saw a 27 year old female who sought NT for wanting help to provide her with a structured nutrition plan, to optimise energy and mood after she said that she collapsed at work. She has a family history of B12 deficiency, cancer and cardiovascular disease, stroke and vascular…

Brain Hamorrhage

Brain hemorrhage in 61 year old male Please could anyone help me with my concerns regarding my dear brother. He had a bad fall just before Christmas, he is a diabetic and had a hypo in the middle of the night. The fall occurred in his bathroom and he hit…

48 yo female – fatigue hypothyroidism depression

Hello, I would really appreciate some help with a client of mine. She presents with the following symptoms: -Persistent fatigue for the last 3 years, along with brain fog and poor memory -Severe depression – started 2015, had 6 months off work, since then back to work but continue to…

Fatigue and Anxiety

44yr old female testing positive for Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalo-Virus, HHV6, Blastocystis, D. fragilis and presenting with compromised immune function, fatigue and anxiety I was hoping you would be kind enough to help with this client: 44 years old, female Diagnosed with ME at age 19 following glandular fever. In her words…

Severe Acid Reflux

44yo male with severe acid reflux (GERD diagnosis), bloating, gas. Anxiety and low energy also present. My client, 44 yr old male, 5’11, 13st 3lb presented with his main health concern of severe acid reflux. Other symptoms include anxiety, fatigue and frequent colds. Acid reflux symptoms as of Jan 18:…

50 yo F myoclonic jerks, fatigue and tinnitus

A 50yr old lady, who is a fellow therapist, has had several health issues in the past is now suffering from myoclonic jerks, fatigue and tinnitus. She contracted in 1994 Lyme disease (ended up in A&E as she had 7 bulls-eye bites to her legs, feeling very ill with flu…


33yr F with general inflammation & swelling, bad odema & spider veins in ankles, brain fog, fatigue Part 1 – Complex case and not sure where to start. Was premature – 3 months early and weighing 2 lbs. Recovered well but very slow to walk and there was stiffness and…


27 year old female with ulcerative colitis and extreme fatigue Hi everyone, looking for a bit of advice re a client who has ulcerative colitis (diagnosed 8 years ago) and is seeking help for her symptoms, especially extreme fatigue. She has also been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks in…


Case advice please: Male 43 yrs. Extreme fatigue, developing fat padding even though working out and excessive masturbation. These are his main symptoms and otherwise fit and well. Exhaustion rated as 2/10 (10 being great energy). The need for masturbation is so strong it is ruling his life. He can…


Long term SIBO case Part One Female, aged 41, serious athlete (Triathlete) history of IBS symptoms from 2013, cramping, pain, discomfort, bloating after eating, described as a feeling of having eaten 10 pizzas). Endoscopies in 2013/2014 all normal, despite symptoms and told IBS, no action. Oct 2017 First consultation. Suggested…

Thyroid Plus Test

Hi, I am completely baffled by a 70yo client’s Thyroid Plus results. She has practically all of the signs/symptoms of hypothyroid or Hashi (long term weight problem-obesity, hair loss, now very thinned out, dry skin, constipation, faigue, weakness, frequent muscle pains, often painful and stiff joints, depression, impaired memory, elevated…

Thyroid Issues and Fibromyalgia

I am not sure why I did not get any recommendations for my post. So I am posting it again. I had posted it 2 weeks ago. I have sent client back to GP I am concerned he may have a hyper thyroid. I have suggested he stop using the…

Fatigue, brain fog, severe PMS, anxiety & high B6 levels

My Female client, 28, suffering with fatigue, brain fog, severe PMS, anxiety (maybe PCOS in past) comes back from GP with high B6 levels and borderline too high B12 levels (whilst being vegetarian and vegan over the last 5 years!). I know there are adrenal and thyroid issues going on…

Pernicious Anaemia

A lady of 57 with Reflux, Tiredness & Pernicious Anaemia I started seeing this lady in September 2018 and she presented with reflux, bloating, flatulence, nausea and diarrhoea. She was diagnosed with pernicious aenemia 12 years ago and has had B12 injections for the past 12 years every 12 weeks. In…

Myalgia sleep disturbance

Female, aged 8, 1 month myalgia, sleep disturbance & fatiguability Hi, I’ve just started my own functional medicine practice but this is in relation to my own daughter who’s had the above symptoms including low mood for a month following a likely Nora virus with vomiting 3 weeks prior to…