Pseudomonas aeruginosa

7 yo B with Mild Blasto H, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, low SIgA

Hi all, I would really appreciate some help with the following. I have recently done a Biolab CDSA plus parasitology for my 7-year-old son, who has been complaining intermittently for years about stomach pains and who has had many, many courses of antibiotics from when he was a baby. The…

23 yo F with post-viral fatigue

Female aged 23 with post-viral fatigue & IBS symptoms. Recent CDSA 2.0 results show Pseudomonas aeruginosa 3+, Alpha hemolytic strep 2+, Hemolytic E-coli 4+ And high Secretory IgA Test results show the patient will respond best to: Grapefruit seed extract (high sensitivity) Caprylic Acid (high sensitivity) Silver (high sensitivity) Uva…