
Severe menstrual migraines

Hi, I am looking for some advice about a 46yr old client who has experienced debilitating menstrual migraines for the last 20yrs. She has a long history of bi-polar, anxiety and depression which are managed by medications: lithium, lamotrigine and mirtazipine. She also has three fibroids which have been successfully…

vomiting and temperature

Severe vomiting and temperature fluctuations within hours of starting period I have been contacted by the mother of a teenage daughter who, on the first day of her period within minutes/hour of it starting, is getting very painful abdominal cramps and then vomits several times for an hour or two.…

14 yo F with irregular periods, spots and excessive sweating

14yr old girl with symptoms of irregular periods, spots and excessive sweating. From an initial chat with Mum, I know that her daughter dances after school 4 times per week and this is when she struggles with the excessive sweating. My initial thoughts are possible blood sugar imbalance and hormone…