Immune factors in male fertility

Immune factors in male fertility: raised IgA / IgG. I have some decent data for nutrients influencing the other semen parameters, but don’t have much on immune factors. Would be thrilled to read your thoughts for nutrients to normalise immune factors, and whether to treat just the male or both…

food intolerance testing

Given recent scrutiny on food intolerance testing I would be interested to know which testing you would recommend ? Catherine Broom

Food Intolerance Test

I hope this question is appropriate here, but I really need your help to enlighten me on the accuracy of IgG food intolerance tests (specifically for somebody with no apparent food related intolerances. I’ve already had several patients who came to see me with the results of those tests asking…

Food Intolerance Test

Food Intolerance Test I hope this question is appropriate here, but I really need your help to enlighten me on the accuracy of IgG food intolerance tests (specifically for somebody with no apparent food related intolerances. I’ve already had several patients who came to see me with the results of…