

Use of lipomal GSH with autism. Anyone any thoughts, experience about role of ordinary/ liposomal GSH with certain causatives/mechs incl. Se-Hg etc. Dosages for GSH in a 4yo if possible. Mthx. Ursula

55 yo F with Hereditary polycystic liver and kidneys

Hereditary polycystic liver and kidneys. I have a 55 year old lady with this diagnosis, who has had very bad explosive unpredictable bowel symptoms for years, and is bored with it! There appear to be two different approaches, either a high fat diet (such as proposed by the brilliant blog…

44 yo M with mold issues allergies

44 year old male presenting with history of sinus problems, mold sensitivity, allergies to cats and dogs, worsening and increasing food intolerance’s, vit D deficiency. Has seen an NT before who suggested removing problem foods. Has removed so many foods, practically nothing left to eat that doesn’t cause some kind…

18 month G with severe allergic reactions to foods.

Hi, I have a very complicated case and would love some assistance. The client is 18 months old and has been my client for 2 months now (we are coming up to our second follow up this weekend). Presenting Sx Major allergy to foods, hives, welts, swelling when foods are…

44 yo male mold issues, allergies

44 year old male presenting with history of sinus problems, mold sensitivity, allergies to cats and dogs, worsening and increasing food intolerance’s, vit D deficiency. Has seen an NT before who suggested removing problem foods. Has removed so many foods, practically nothing left to eat that doesn’t cause some kind…

45 yo M and 6 yo F with Hay fever

Protocol for prevention/reduction of symptoms of hay fever Father (45yrs old) and daughter (6 yrs old – hypermobility syndrome) suffering from hay fever during the spring months ( both in good health otherwise). I would like to support them during the winter with a protocol aimed at preventing/reducing the manifestation…

Th1/Th2 cytokine profile

I have a client with autoimmune hypothyroidism that is relatively under control through diet and TPO is now sitting at 138 (prev. much higher). Primarily through gluten free diet, no intolerances as per Cyrex IgG test. On no medication and symptoms now under control. Previously suffered with slight eczema, candidiasis.…