IFM Advanced Practice Module: Environmental Health Europe
April 25 @ 8:00 am - April 27 @ 5:00 pm
IFM Advanced Practice Module: Environmental Health Europe – Addressing the toxic effects of the exposome by enhancing biotransformation and elimination
Course Overview
In the 21st century, two things have become increasingly apparent: first, we are exposed to a more complex array of toxic compounds in our air, water, and food than ever before. Second, it has been recognized that an individual’s ability to detoxify (i.e. biotransform and excrete) toxic substances is of critical importance to overall health. While the concept that toxicants accumulate in the body and are the cause of various health problems has long been a fundamental tenet of traditional healthcare systems around the world, we have learned a great deal in recent years about how toxicants and toxins affect us, where they originate, and how to improve our ability to detoxify in a toxic world. Understanding toxicity and taking practical steps to improve biotransformation and elimination are essential and critical pieces in any integrative approach to your patients’ health and well-being.
IFM’s Environmental Health Advanced Practice Module Europe
There is persuasive evidence that even low-level toxic exposures contribute to the development of a variety of chronic health conditions, including fatigue, endocrine disruption, and chronic degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. Given the ubiquitous nature of chemicals in the environment, it is likely that the single exposure model of toxicology is more the exception than the rule. It is therefore critical for clinicians to learn how to assess both exposures and total toxic load to appropriately assess and address each individual’s toxicological situation.
Regional Pricing
Clinical Education Members based in eligible regions can access the European Advanced Practice Modules for a special price of $1,375* USD (Full tuition price $2,025 USD). IFM and Clinical Education are committed to removing barriers to entry for training in this region and this special pricing reflects that commitment.
To access this special price, Clinical Education need to verify your eligibility by location and profession. Please fill out the request form below. Clinical Education aim to respond within 24 hours and will send a link to complete your purchase to the Advanced Practice Module upon successful verification of your eligibility.
*GBP approx. £1089 at the current exchange rate. This estimate is provided for informational purposes only. It is meant only as an approximate conversion amount based on the exchange rate at the time of publication and should not be relied upon for any other purpose
Program Highlights
Our expert educator team reviews the foundational biochemistry and genetics associated with biotransformation pathways, connects organ system dysfunctions to potential toxic exposures, and details the useful laboratory evaluations for evaluating toxicant exposure levels and subsequent physiologic stresses in patients. Once these important clinical connections are made, the team will detail specific treatment approaches. This program also uses a case-based, integrated approach to effectively deliver the tools necessary for clinicians to diagnose and treat the toxic component of their patients’ total health pictures.
This course is presented as a livestream broadcast with pre-recorded lectures.
Learning Objectives
Advanced Practice Modules apply the foundational tools presented in Applying Functional in Medicine Clinical Practice (AFMCP)TM within a specific area of health. At the Environmental Health APM, you’ll learn how to:
- Recognize the relationship between systemic disease and toxic exposures through a clear understanding of the pathophysiology of total toxic load and synergistic effects of both toxicants and toxins.
- Identify diseases and dysfunctions potentially associated with chronic toxicity and specifically recognize the relationships between chronic toxic insult and neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, autoimmunity, mitochondrial dysfunction, endocrine disruption, and carcinogenesis.
- Apply the PURE principles for managing patients with toxicity concerns (Pattern recognition, Undernourishment, Reduce toxins, Ensure a safe detox).
- Integrate screening questionnaires and detox-specific physical exam findings within a functional medicine intake to discover and assess relevant toxic exposures, and to also track individual’s responses to their environments along with therapeutic interventions.
- Recognize and address the most important antecedents, triggers, and mediators of toxic overload, including impaired biotransformation, dysbiosis, impaired excretion, and nutritional deficiencies.
- Appropriately apply and interpret reliable laboratory evaluations of toxic load and biotransformative capacity.
- Develop personalized dietary treatment using the IFM Elimination Diet and Detox Food Plan suites.
- Apply various nutraceuticals, botanicals, pharmaceuticals, and lifestyle interventions to increase mobilization, biotransformation, and elimination of toxic compounds in the body.
- Start:
- April 25 @ 8:00 am
- End:
- April 27 @ 5:00 pm
- Cost:
- $1375
- Online, Live Stream
- United Kingdom + Google Map